Be a part of Las Vegas 历史 at the exclusive 成员 preview of the restored巴黎丽都十大买球平台的招牌. 的巴黎丽都sign will be displayed opposite 的 Stardust, 最初举办节目的酒店.现在加入预订您的座位. 巴黎丽都 sign is an iconic piece of Las Vegas 历史 and its restoration is a significant event for those who re成员 the glory days of the city's entertainment scene. 的 巴黎丽都  was part of Stardust Hotel and casino which hosted the  巴黎丽都 表演了很多年, and it holds nostalgia for the people who experienced this entertainment era in person. This event will be a chance for 成员s  to see the sign in all its restored glory and to learn more about the fascinating 历史 of entertainment in Las Vegas.

这个标志’s first reillumination in 25 years happens at the 霓虹灯墓地 with r an exclusive 成员s-only preview on February 2, 2023, where it will be prominently installed opposite the iconic Stardust sign.

巴黎丽都 sign will be displayed opposite 的 Stardust, 最初举办节目的酒店.

 巴黎丽都 sign will be displayed opposite 的 Stardust, 最初举办节目的酒店.

的 成员s-only preview event for the re-lighting of the 巴黎丽都 sign will take place at 5:30 PM, open only to 成员s, so make sure to 提前订票! 不是一个 成员 然而,? This is the perfect chance to become one and enjoy many more 成员-only activities and events, 同时也成为了 巴黎丽都 历史.


巴黎丽都 was a major production  in the golden age of Las Vegas entertainment and helped to establish the city as a destination for world-class shows and performances. 这个标志, 现在被重新点燃, is a reminder of that glorious past and the role it played in shaping the entertainment landscape of Las Vegas.

巴黎丽都 played a significant role in Las Vegas' prestigious entertainment 历史

巴黎丽都 played a significant role in Las Vegas' prestigious entertainment 历史.

巴黎丽都 was a famous 法国-styled  show that was held at the Stardust Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas from 1958 to 1991. 这场演出以其精致的舞台而闻名, 服装, 布景和编舞, featuring a large cast of showgirls and dancers. It was directed by the legendary Donn浪漫的地方, and Illusionists 齐格弗里德 & 罗伊 were part of the show in the early 1970s, according to 拉斯维加斯顾问. 

的 show was considered one of the most spectacular productions in Las Vegas during its time, 跑了32年又22年,000场演出, 约有1900万观众观看了这部电影. 

的 Stardust was also a popular spot for celebrities and high rollers and was known for hosting other performances and events, making it a favorite destination for entertainment seekers. 巴黎丽都 sign being re-lit is not just a reminder of the hotel and casino's past, but also a celebration of the memories of the cast, crew and the patrons who were part of the production’s 历史.

拉斯维加斯还有很多其他的演出和制作, 过去和现在, 有没有受到巴黎丽都秀的影响. 精心设计的舞台, 服装, 集, and choreography that were a staple of the 巴黎丽都 show have become synonymous with Las Vegas entertainment. 节目导演, Donn浪漫的地方, was known for his innovative and ambitious productions and his influence can still be seen in Las Vegas shows today.


的 restoration of  the 巴黎丽都 sign was a multi-step process to ensure that it was returned to its former glory. Our team of experts first transported it to a restoration facility and assessed its condition. 然后他们清理并修复了这个标志, 包括去除污垢, 污垢, and other debris that had accumulated over the years.

Damaged or missing parts were also repaired or replaced and the neon tubes were checked and re-fabricated  where  needed. 最后一步是重新组装标识, 测试它, and give it a fresh new look with a repaint and refinish. 的 restoration process was extensive but was made possible by a generous gift from Todd VonBastiaans.


  • 2023年2月2日下午5:30
  • 该活动仅限会员预览 
  • 活动将在霓虹灯墓地举行
  • 这个标志 will be prominently installed opposite  the iconic Stardust sign, the hotel that originally hosted this historic Vegas show


It's important to note that tickets for the event are restricted to 成员 cardholders only. 如果你还不是会员, you can join now to reserve your tickets and enjoy the benefits of being a 成员. If you're already a 成员, please log in to reserve your tickets.

的 Neon Museum preserves the glittering 历史 of Las Vegas through the restoration and display of iconic neon signs.

的 Neon Museum preserves the glittering 历史 of Las Vegas through the restoration and display of iconic neon signs.

Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to be among the first to see the restored 巴黎丽都 sign, and to be part of the celebration of the 历史 of entertainment in Las Vegas.


Be among the first to see the sign come back to life and to learn more about its 历史. 的 巴黎丽都 sign is not only a reminder of the past but also a celebration of the 历史 of entertainment in Las Vegas. Don't miss this unique opportunity, reserve your tickets now and be part of this historic event.


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